Karana Scouts

Karana Cub Scouts Learn Cycling – The Safe Way

Cub Scouts Learning CyclingA Cub Scout is many things, including an investigator, cook and a collector.

In Scouting many wonderful and useful skills are learned. Learning to be a safe Cyclist is just one of those skills and the Karana Cub Scouts are currently working on earning their Cycling Badge.

To become proficient in cycling means so much more than just jumping on a bike and going for a ride, as the Scouts discovered on their first session of learning on this topic.

Going for rides, short and long, and demonstrating they can do this safely, is just one of the many activities the Cubs will do in learning about being a cyclist.

Cleaning a Bicycle

Bicycle Cleaning 2

The important facts to know are :

  • What the parts of the bicycle are and what they are for.
  • How to clean a bicycle, keep the gears in operating order, the chain well-oiled and running smoothly and the tyres pumped up.
  • Doing repairs, such as repairing a puncture and adjusting and repairing brakes is also critical to safe cycling.
  • The Cubs need to know the road safety rules for cyclists and know how to use the correct hand signals when riding on the road.
  • Each bicycle needs to be fitted with appropriate safety equipment before going on the road. These items include a bell and reflectors if riding at night.


Not only do the Cub Scouts need to know these facts, they also need to demonstrate their knowledge of them in practice.

The Karana Cub Scouts were particularly blessed to have a skilled and experienced bike mechanic available to guide them for these learning sessions and there were a couple of enthusiastic cycling dads available to assist as well.

Bicycle Mechanic

If you think learning valuable and fun skills, like safe cycling and bicycling maintenance, would be helpful and enjoyable for your child, then Scouting may be something you could consider. The children in this group are of the 7 to 11 years age group (Read More about Cub Scouts here) and there are age appropriate activities for each age group of boys and girls in Scouts.

The Karana Scout Group meet weekly during the school term and have breaks on the school holidays. Contact Us to find out more, or come along to visit on any meeting day. You’ll be very welcome and you’ll find the meeting times right here Meeting Times .